Tag: zodiac sign

Sagittarius Season 2019 – Here’s How You Can Prepare for Your Best Season Yet

Sagittarius Season 2019 - Here’s How You Can Prepare for Your Best Season Yet

Sagittarius season 2019 asks us to winder our perspective, our viewpoints, and our consciousness. Whether your Sun sign falls within the Sag season or not, you can benefit from the things that come into focus over the next few weeks. Sagittarius season started on November 22 and it ends on December 22. No matter when you start the inner work on your soul during this season, you are in for the enlightenment you seek. Your Spirit brought you’re here for a reason, you owe it to yourself to find out why.

Before we get into the specifics of Sagittarius Season 2019. Let’s discuss astrology at a high level.

Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes purporting to explain aspects of a person’s personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time of their birth.

The Sagittarius archetypes are:

  • Philosopher
  • Student
  • Gypsy

During this season, seek to align with each. Below are brief descriptions of each archetype. Read through them to see which one you resonate with the most.

The Gypsy

She teaches us to travel in search of truth and knowledge. The Gypsy views the world as a beautiful array of frequencies. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to live, just differences in perspective and vantage points.

The Student

She encourages us to gather information to expand and open our minds. This archetype is asking us to reevaluate how we define mental constructs in our lives. Align with the vibration of the Student to challenge the way you define your world.

The Philosopher

She teaches us to find meaning in every experience through feeling. Feel your intuition guiding you to the bigger picture of your life.

If any of the archetypes described previous do not resonate with you initially, that is the one or ones you should focus on doing deeper inner work to establish why that is.

During the Sagittarius season, the emphasis is on experience. Have as many new experiences as possible. Let go of your expectations and approach every situation without preconceived notions of what’s supposed to unfold.

ASK YOURSELF: What is the BEST that can happen?

Sagittarius Crystals

  • Iolite
  • Red Jasper
  • Aventurine
  • Mookaite
  • Turquoise

I am new to the crystal’s life. I got my first one on July 15, 2019. Thanks to Alexis Swan I am building my crystal collection; I now have 19 crystals. Most are tumbled but I do have 3 raw crystals. If you are wondering which of the Sagittarius crystals I have. Those would be Red Jasper, Aventurine and Mookaite. Alexis was out of Turquoise and she does not carry Iolite.

Sagittarius Lunar Flow

While I am not against recording myself engaging in my Yoga practice, I am conscious that I am not an expert nor do I feel confident that I have settled into a pose with the intent to share. As a result, I have linked above videos that I found, which go through each of the various flows for you to use as your guides during this Sagittarius season. Who knows? Maybe this time next year I will have some Yoga content for you to full joy.

Sagittarius Meditation

Courage is cultivated through feeling fear and becoming aware of it. Do not allow fear to take control of you. This season, get in touch with where fear lives within your body. Spend at least 7 minutes scanning your body during your meditation practice.

  • Lie down in a comfortable position
  • Start by breathing into your belly for 1 minute
  • As you begin to relax, return to your normal breathing pattern
  • Scan your body from your toes to your head.
  • Connect with whatever feelings arise. Pleasure or pain. Fulfillment or emptiness.

Let’s Align with the Spirit

Sagittarius reminds us that most of life is how we react to it. When we practise positivity and optimism, we create a happier life. Below you will find 8 tips for positive thinking. With each tip, there is a daily exercise for you to complete. The more consistent you are with accomplishing the activities each day, the easier it will be for you to align with the Spirit and keep positivity at the forefront of your mind.

8 Tips and Exercises for Positive Thinking

  1. Practice Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal and jot down 5 things you are thankful for each day.
  2. Find the Silver Lining: Find ONE hidden gem in a challenge you faced daily.
  3. Laugh: Watch a comedy show or special to welcome joy into your day. Do this in whenever you feel the need to welcome new energy into your space.
  4. Flip Your “What Ifs”: Whenever you have a “what if” thought, flip it to be positive in nature.
  5. Embrace the Unplanned: Let go of your desire to control the outcome of a situation. Welcome the opportunity to venture into the unknown.
  6. Cut Off the Downward Spiral: Be aware of when negative thoughts have set into your mind. Divert them by practicing an act of positive thinking. Reading a quote (link to lead magnet 1) or affirmation (lead to lead magnet 2) is a great way to build this habit.
  7. Celebrate: Before taking on the next goal or task, pause to congratulate yourself on the accomplishment of completing the goal or task at hand. Reflect on how far you have come.
  8. Surround Yourself with Positive People: Seek out at least one person in your life or online that encourages you to look for the silver lining, the bright side of things. Engage with that person via a conversation or drop them a comment/direct message.

Waning Moon

  • This takes place from November 22 and November 25

During this waning moon, revisit intentions from the previous two months. What are you still working on and what are you letting go?

New Moon

  • This takes places on November 26

Depending on which house Sagittarius falls in here is a chart of what you should focus on during this New Moon.


If you don’t know which house Sagittarius in for you, check out your Natal Chart here. You will need to know the exact time of your birth for full accuracy.

Waxing Moon

  • This takes place from November 27 to December 10

During this waxing moon, take time to build my dreams for the phase ahead. Write down the vibes you always carry.

Waxing Moon Transits

  • During each transit, there are questions you should be asking yourself as the moon moves into the different zodiacs.
  • I have included them next to each transit below for you.

Neptune moves directly into Pisces on November 27. What dreams have I put on hold that are now ready for new energy and attention?

Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2. How can I expand my inner knowledge of myself to share my authentic truths with the world through my career?

Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 9. How can I increase the positive vibrations in the room?

On December 11/12 there will be a Full Moon in Gemini. Do you believe that there is safety in sharing your feelings with others?

Waning Moon

  • This takes place from December 12 to December 20

Describe what you mastered this season. What will you continue to work on? What did I forgive this season?

Here are 4 Lessons from Sagittarius

  • Be fearless in your pursuit of expansion
  • There is no such thing as a coincidence
  • Choose to focus on the good
  • Joy is contagious

If you have made it this far in this blog post, I want to first give thanks to you! I know you have other things vying for your attention right now. I appreciate your taking the time to read through this content. To show my gratitude, simply enter your email address below and I will send you 28 quotes for Sagittarius season AS WELL AS a collection of 28 affirmations. Both are FREE and my gift to you.

It is my prayer that you will take you read from this post as well as the freebies to help guide you during this astrological season. I know that the Creator brought you to this post because there was something that you needed to read. Your spirit desired the words in this post! If you know someone else who can benefit from it, please share it with him/her today. The more folks that are working to do the inner work necessary to live a life of contentment, positivity, and joy. The better our world will be for future generations to come.